Complex Trauma Canada tracks cases that are going before the Appellate Courts and Supreme Court of Canada. We read new decisions every day, track those decisions and report them to a growing network of advocates, first responders and lawyers.
Complex Trauma Canada follows media coverage of Family Court and Criminal Courts trials to track the sources of misinformation which have fuelled gender biased protests and provides case law resources for victims of false allegations for the purposes of custody, or political gain.
Complex Trauma Canada is applying for Intervenor Status with both provincial courts and the Supreme Court of Canada to introduce Trauma as a medical safeguard for the protections of due process rights, address myths and stereotypes about men and create balance to the organizations which assume all female complainants are telling the truth.
Complex Trauma Canada answers dozens of requests for help every month from people who are in shock and trying to navigate the legal system. We provide information and the tools for people to better communicate with their psychologist, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, social workers, and lawyers and understand the decisions that need to be made about what evidence can be used in their defence.