If you are interested in joining the team of volunteers at Complex Trauma Canada please let us know your areas of expertise below. 

What are your strengths? (Check all that apply)


Political Campaign Experience
Political Contacts
Media Contacts
Potential Fundraising Contacts
Celebrity Contacts
Social Media Expertise
Union / Membership Experience
Community Organizing Expertise
Education Expertise

Marketing / Production

Video / Film Production
Photography / Graphic Design
Website Development
Writing / Content Generation
Finance / Economics
Database Management
Other Expertise

Research / Science / Medical

Social Science Research
Family Law
Gender Issues
Teen Pregnancy
Child Development
Child Substance Abuse
Youth Delinquency / Violence
Child Support Models / Practises

Asking for help takes courage, when you join a support group, 
your story helps others.

If you need help, we are here to assist.  Sometimes the best way to receive help is to share your story, and connect with others who have similar experiences.  Attending one of our peer support groups helps both you and the others in the group who are going through exactly the same thing as you are right now.  You are not alone.

If finances are an issue, don't worry.  We got you!

 Many of the members of our network simply don't have the financial resources to join, because the costs associated with Mental Health Support, or the cost of Child Support, or Parental Alienation or the cost Family Courts, or Defending False Allegations in Criminal Courts... 
We've been there and we get it.  

Donations support the work that we do each day, but if you can't afford to contribute financially now, perhaps you'll make a contribution either by volunteering your expertise or in the future when we have helped you heal from your traumas, so you can pay it forward for other trauma survivors.
Joining and participating in our Mental Health Peer Support Network and taking the initiative to proactively focus on your Self Care has its benefits. 

Certificates of Recognition are issued after 20 hours, 50 hours and 100 hours of Volunteering or Participation in Mental Health Peer Support Network Meetings.
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